“I have been correcting the proofs of my poems. In the morning, after hard work, I took a comma out of one sentence… In the afternoon I put it back again.”
– Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Every author needs an editor; every book needs an edit.
At Authoright we pride ourselves on producing the best possible books. Unlike some other self-publishing houses, just putting what you have written between two covers and abandoning it is not what we do. We are going to invest time and effort into you once the book is out, and help you find the readers your book deserves.
So for us, it is absolutely vital that the book you produce is in the best shape it can be. This means giving it the sort of edit that professional writers expect and rely on. As any good writer will tell you, having a good editor is the most important writing relationship you can have – perhaps even the most important relationship.
At Authoright we offer three different levels of editing, depending on what shape your manuscript is in when you give it to us.

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Our experienced team will carry out an intense, almost forensic assessment of every aspect of the manuscript – the narrative, vocabulary, structure, characterisation, style and development. They will look for errors and inconsistencies, areas which may confuse the reader, plot holes, irritating writing quirks and uninspiring, underdeveloped or unrealistic characters, scenarios and use of language.
You have spent a good deal of time and effort producing your work, and to have it treated with this level of seriousness can be very exciting – together with Authoright you will be making a book that you will be proud to have out in the world, and we will be proud to throw our weight behind.
Every final choice about your novel is yours to make, and the genius of a great editor is to make suggestions that will bring out the book’s ideas with more clarity, while retaining the voice of the writer. At Authoright we employ editors who work for major publishing houses - we are putting our names to your work, so we demand the best – as you do too!
Clink Street is a ground breaking self publishing imprint and the authors publishing with us benefit from the following key components.
A copy-edit is absolutely vital to any good book – every book you have on your shelf will have gone through an extensive copy-edit, identifying errors in grammar and spelling, as well as inconsistencies of tone or terminology (are all the quotation marks of the same type, are numbers printed as numerals or words, is US or UK spelling used throughout – nothing worse than realising you have used realizing at one point, and the other at the other!)
A copy-edit might also flag up elements of the story’s trajectory that don’t work in practical terms – we don’t want a character wandering onto page 73 who died on page 46 – and run a fine tooth comb over chapter numbers and titles. This really is the nitty-gritty of editing. There has never been a manuscript submitted to any publisher ever that didn’t need a copy-edit – yours included!
Clink Street is a ground breaking self publishing imprint and the authors publishing with us benefit from the following key components.
The last link in the editing chain, and essentially the final comprehensive inspection of the manuscript, where the editor checks for any persisting errors that may have been missed in the previous in-depth edits. The proofread will polish the manuscript to perfection, so that you can be confident that what appears in the bookshops will be exactly what you wanted – we care absolutely about your work, and want to ensure that every ‘i’ is dotted, and every ‘t’ crossed!
If you’ve not had your work edited before it can be an exhilarating experience – after all that time and effort, your work is ready to be polished and sent out into the world. This is exhilarating for us too – we are proud of our books, and can’t wait to see your work joining the strongest list in the self-publishing world, and one which we are proud to say puts many trad publishers in the shade.
Peter Salmon is a writer and editor with over 15 years of experience.
Peter is also an author, his first novel, The Coffee Story (Sceptre, 2011), was a New Statesman Book of the Year. He has written frequently for TV and radio, and for broadsheets including the Guardian and the Sydney Review of Books.